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Witam. Do tej pory wydawało mi się że dość dobrze znam gierkę. Dziś rano grając na oficjalnym serwerze V2 zobaczyłem jak gość jedzie autem i ciągnie za sobą dwa wraki na jakiejś lince. Zdecydowanie nie był to żaden "Lag" czy coś. Powie mi ktoś czy to jest wgl możliwe? I czy można budować bazę na plaży? Baza dotykała wody. Oddaliłem się o kilka działek a mimo to miałem zakaz budowy. Dziękuję za zainteresowanie.
Witam, czy po zlogoutowaniu z serwera, ikonka bazy znika z mapy dla innych graczy? Tzn. jak wyjde z serwera to gracze na mapie nie widzą mojej bazy na mapie?
Da sie sciagnac hurta v2? Jesli tak to gdzie i jak
W ItemV2 pojawiły się problemy z konfiguracją rozdzielczości. W międzyczasie poniższe komendy wpisywane w konsoli pomogą naprawić te problemy: dumpdisplay - pokazuje index bieżącego ekranu, pojawiają się błędy, gdy index głównego ekranu może być inny niż 0 setdisplay <index> - ustawia docelowy ekran na określony indeks. Jeśli masz problemy, ustaw to na 0 dumpres - pokazuje aktualną rozdzielczość dumpresopt - pokazuje wszystkie obsługiwane rozdzielczości dla bieżącego ekranu setres <width> <height> <fullscreen> - ustawia podaną rozdzielczość, na przykład: setres 1920 1080 true
Ukazała się dzisiaj kolejna aktualizacja wersji experymentalnej Hurtworld Itemv2. Lista wprowadzonych zmian w patchu Added new town events to Nullius Added FR18 bolt pull rifle You can now delay the bolt pull on the AWM and FR18 by holding the fire button, this lets you watch the bullet drop to help you sight in long distance shots Added camoflague mask for all guns Added 12x scope for AWM Removed add pocket fragments Removed zoom amount fragments Added bow scatter shot fragment Removed bow extra shot fragment AWM pvp damage increased (70 -> 85) AWM bolt pull time increased (1 -> 1.75) AWM Default scope is now 6x zoom Removed global accuracy modifier and stat Rebalanced accuracy for AR15, sighted accuracy starts higher than before but starts to bloom after a few shots (was previously constant small inaccuracy no matter what when sighted), hipfire now blooms out faster. First sighted shot is now perfectly accurate. Reduced projectile speed for AR15 and Shotgun Increased projectile speed for AWM AR15 arctic pelt cost changed to strong animal pelt Reduced Titranium Workbench cost Airdrops now perform a line of sight check before destroying themselves due to timeout (airdrops should no longer despawn in front of players) Increased reload and bolt pull audio falloff (gets quieter earlier) Buffed thermal protection fragments (minor 4 -> 6, major 6 -> 9, mega 7 -> 11) Buffed health regen fragments (minor .1 -> .15, major .15 -> .22, mega .17 -> .25) Zoom amount stat so it now directly sets zoom level (ie. zoom level 2 = 2x zoom) Zoom levels are now calculated as multiplier of FOV setting from options configuration (was multiplier of 60 FOV) Increased vehicle and ragdoll maximum angular velocity Fixed a bug where the camera wouldn't collide with some level geometry Bolt actions no longer try to chamber a new bullet when sprinting Fixed error when opening/closing a door without a sound Reassigned open/close sounds for windows Fixed a bug where equip stats could get out of sync between server and client Fixed incorrect footsteps sounds playing based on contact material Bolt pull audio now scales with bolt pull speed Vehicle fuel consumption can no longer be reduced below 1 Fixed missing FIR trees around the map
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itemv2 [Ankieta] O której godzinie WIPE na serwerach itemv2?
!Dark! posted a question in Questions, problems
Jaka godzina WIPE na itemv2 będzie najbardziej optymalna? -
Wprowadzony został dzisiaj hotfix wersji experymentalnej Hurtworld Itemv2 naprawiający kilka drobnych błędów. Pełna lista zmian w patchu Fixed vehicle inventories so they can no longer 'lose' items Fixed a spawn point that was spawning players on top of a rock they could not safely leave Fixed some town event markers appearing too small on the map Added console command 'networkloglevel <off/error/warning/debug>' for controlling the network log filter on the server
Ukazała się kolejna aktualizacja Hurtworld itemv2. Pełna lista zmian w patchu Added weather events to all biomes, these will affect temperature levels and player visibility The starting beach area has a new tropical look and feel Progression of gear has been rebalanced removing some items and combining others, crafting costs and protection levels have also been tweaked Titranium Workbench Amber cost reduced (40 -> 20) Titranium Workbench Shaped Titranium cost increased (20 -> 150) Hurtworld now defaults to not allowing network messages from unconnected clients (should reduce vulnerability to DDoS attacks) Added console commands 'setallowunconnected <0/1>' and 'dumpallowunconnected' for setting and checking whether network messages will be accepted from unconnected clients Fixed the hitbox / hit registration issue introduced in (hit registration will be consistant again) Fixed incorrect rarity on mega mine power and chop power fragments (rare -> legendary) Added Jacket and Bomber Jacket as new vanity items Added Machine Wrench to Titranium Workbench recipes Reduced toxin build up rate from Mondinium resource nodes Added line of sight checks to resource nodes so they should no longer despawn in front of a player Fixed incorrect material assignment on Titranium Workbench (wood -> metal) Fixed Heatproof Mining Drill returning Coldproof Mining Drill when disassembled Heatproof Mining Drill can now only be placed in the Red Desert
Najnowszy aktualizacja Hurtworld Itemv2 patch przyniosła nam poprawienie błędu, który powodował, że przedmioty mogły zapadać się pod ziemię. Pełna lista w prowadzonych zmian w patchu Fixed a bug in the item display data manager that could cause it to crash and never recover (Fixes items failing to render and world items falling through ground) Improved physics performance (server and client) Fixed several console commands throwing errors when invoked during server start up Improved how steam ID sessions are recorded, should help "Active session with same SteamID" issue Fixed an issue where players could get into a loop where they would constantly request data about an item that doesn't exist from the server Added the console command 'itempingenabled <value>' for servers to control whether players can link items to chat Fixed an issue causing featured servers not to appear in the server browser as featured
Ukazał się dzisiaj kolejny patch (hotfix) wersji eksperymantalnej itemv2 naprawiający pewne problemy z szałasami, ochroną bursztynu i roszczeniami do pojazdów. Kompletna lista zmian w patch Vehicles can now be claimed without any parts installed Fixed a bug where the amber cost could still be consumed when failing to claim a vehicle Added extra placement validation to shacks to ensure their spawn point does not overlap into level geometry (eg. inside rocks) Shacks will be unavailable as a spawn option if something (eg. C4) is blocking the spawn point After upgrading an amber protected item the upgraded item will not drop its amber cost on the first death (the item will still be protected however), Klient z modami gotowy do pobrania w dziale download pod zakładką itemv2.
Ukazał się dzisiaj nowy patch wersji eksperymentalnej Hurtworld ItemV2. Lista wprowadzonych zmian: Added Mining Bow Added amber protection information to item tooltips Vehicles now cost amber to claim The driver of a vehicle now receives an alert if the self destruct timer is activated Added bow redraw speed stat to improve bow reload times Added bow redraw fragments Vehicle wheels now apply their force at a height equal to center of mass, this reduces the effect tire forces have on vehicle orientation Improved vehicle handbrake so vehicles slide more like the legacy implementation, the new wheel force application point also fixes handbrake pulling the Kanga's front wheel up Removed most of vehicle weight's influence over vehicle handling, vehicles are now more consistent between different attachment configurations Removed vehicle top speed stat, a vehicles top speed is now defined by the point where engine power is matched by vehicle drag Buffed AWP pvp damage (50 -> 70) Buffed Iron Axe pvp damage (25 -> 35) Fixed a bug where a passenger exiting a vehicle would always cause it to power off (now vehicle only powers off when empty) Fixed an issue where Kangas could get stuck after returning upright due to the driver seat being blocked Fixed an issue where a vehicles normalized top speed was not being calculated correctly causing vehicle control systems to be applied at the wrong strength (also fixes vehicle gearboxes never shifting out of 1st gear) Fixed footstep audio playing after entering a vehicle sprinting in 3rd person view Vehicle airdrops have been made 100% accurate Fixed an issue where bows were not being affected by inaccuracy calculations, bows are now less accurate while running and while airborne Improved handling of player name validation Fixed a bug where melee attacks were not being denied properly when being blocked by level or base geometry Improved FPS Sight offsets with Eureka scopes (Camera approaches lens when sighting in) Made item context menus more robust Fixed Roach and Kanga engines appearing black Fixed an issue where vehicle health could fail to sync in vehicle UI [SDK] Vehicle gearboxes now have user defined gear ratios in ItemComponentVehicleGearbox [SDK] Fixed bugs with AdditiveMaskSupport, these assets should now work correctly [SDK] Fixed bug where IconBuilder's Update Lighting Snapshot button didn't work Nowy klient gry Hurtworld ItemV2 w dziale download (zakładka u góry strony).
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Ukazał się dzisiaj hotfix ItemV2 Wprowadza on drobne poprawki i usprawnienia elementów montowanych na pojazdy. Pełny opis wprowadzonych zmian: Fixed an issue where vehicle chassis were failing to pass their assigned mask onto the other vehicle attachments Fixed an issue with spawn mutators trying to incorrectly create items when loading from a saved game Klient no steam gotowy jest już do pobrania, serwery wraz z pluginami są już przygotowywane. Download wersja Itemv2 nosteam.
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Ukazała się właśnie kolejna aktualizacja wersji eksperymentalnej Hurtworld ItemV2 patch Pełna lista zmian: Added player connection queue for full servers Reserved slots can be added with the addreserved console command similar to addadmin Several serverside optimizations Optimized structure downloads Many new gear items added Balance tweaks to several gear items Changed several gear crafting recipes so they work as upgrades transferring the installed fragments from the upgraded item into the new one Removed pushing force from primary attack on spear, added secondary attack that only applies push force Fragments have been categorized into 3 rarity tiers (uncommon, rare, legendary) Fragments can now be recycled into fragment dust through the right click context menu Fragment cases can be crafted from the wood workbench that give a random fragment from the appropriate tier when opened Reduced steepness of many hills Added no build areas to player spawn points that were missing them Changed how rare creature spawns are calculated to give a more consistent spawn rate Rare creature health increased Rare Gavkus no longer run away Fixed incorrect effect zone positions on Ultranium and Mondinium resource nodes Player animators are now properly culled when off screen [SDK] Fixed inspector issues with EntityBinaryEffect and EffectZoneBuilder [SDK] Base content general clean up
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Ukazał się przed chwilą nowy patch Hurtworld ItemV2 naprawiający problem ze znikającymi ścianami. Pełna lista zmian: Changed the way rare creatures are spawned to be more consistant Fixed entity overflow on initial connection to a busy server Fixed massive server lag spike whenever a player connects Increased enforcement for server simulated projectiles to deny hits for clients when their structures bug out Rebalanced armor and size coefficient values for small doorways Added failsafe for meteors and airdrops to not leak if something goes wrong Fixed memory leak on binary effects Nowy klient Hurtworld nosteam itemv2 do pobrania w naszym dziale download.
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Dzisiejsza łatka eksperymentalnej wersji gry Hurtworld ItemV2 wprowadza sporo nowych elementów do gry, jak i ma na celu rozpoczęcie prac nad poprawą wydajności gry. Pełna lista zmian: Mangatang map update Rebuilt a large part of the low level network engine to open the doors for some heavy optimizations. See dev blog for details. Added network traffic profiler (startnetworkprofiler / stopnetworkprofiler) for admins Added rare creature variants of each creature type. These have a ~1% chance of spawning in place of a regular creature Added creature mask items as rare drops from rare creature variants Removed vehicle engine tiers (Just one engine per type now. No weak, standard, powerful versions) Vehicle engines can now be upgraded with engine fragments Item Colorer is now stackable and cannot be amber protected Fixed several spawn mutators that were breaking client / server determinism Added SpawnMutatorCreatureHearing for adjusting creature hearing sensitivity SpawnMutatorCreatureHealth now correctly sets health reset value Item namer max stack size reduced (255 -> 10) and can no longer be amber protected Wood Workbench now has the correct return item on disassembly Increased Iron Tipped Spear pve and pvp damage (30 -> 31) Increased Improvised Bow pve damage (20 -> 30) Reduced Recurve Bow pve damage (70 -> 50) Reduced Fibreglass Recurve Bow pve damage (90 -> 70) Adjusted normalized health on creatures (affects scaled pve damage) Removed Bow Snare Fragment Added Fibreglass Recurve Bow to Iron Workbench Added spray can visualisation and mask preview to item mask consumables Fixed an issue where item masks were not considered in icon uniqueness calculation Fixed an issue where Yetis and Sasquatches could spawn with multiple horns Item masks are no longer amber protectable Reduced drop rates for item masks, item namers and item colorers Item coloring window now has manual controls for preview rotation and zoom Fixed incorrect name key on AR stock cache item Fixed scale of AR15 and AWM world items Updated AR15 icon poses Removed Melee Move Speed Fragment Increased upgrade point cost of Gear Move Speed Fragment (1 -> 3) Increased heat and radiation protection on respective gear fragments (1 -> 5) Fixed an issue where overheating would stop at 60% Increased heat levels during day time in the sand dunes biome Made sand dunes and red desert biomes cooler during night time Toned down a lot of steep hills
- hurtworld itemv2
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Właśnie ukazał się HotFix, który między innymi powinien naprawić problem ze znikającymi itemkami nękający wersję experymantalną ostatnimi dniami. Lista zmian: Fixed a bug where the item coloring window wouldn't close other open interaction windows Fixed a bug where item serialization was breaking, fixes undefined behaviour bugs in item and ui systems Item Namers are now stackable Added default assets back to SDK and updated them
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Szybki HotFix na wczorajszego patcha. Lista zmian: Fixed Gun Recoil Fragment applying the wrong stats Fixed Bow Draw Speed Fragment slowing down instead of speeding up draw speed Klient gry dostępny już w naszym dziale download.
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Kolejny patch klienta ItemV2, który zmienia system ulepszania przedmiotów i respawn postaci, który im szybszy tym będzie zużywał więcej bursztynów. Pełna lista zmian: Introduced new machine "Bed" which now acts as your spawn point instead of ownership stake. Respawning at a bed will cause all beds you own to be on cooldown for 3 mins. If you want to spawn at your bed before that time you can buy back with amber placed inside the bed. Spawning at noob beach is always available. Crafting times have been removed, crafting is now instant and stackable items can craft multiple times at once Items can now receive upgrades from consumable 'fragment' items until an item's upgrade points are all spent When an item with fragments, name overrides or amber protection is used as a crafting material it will transfer them all to the new crafted item Item attachments are no longer consumed when placing a new attachment in an occupied slot Scope, Magazine and Tip attachments can be removed by right clicking on the item and selecting dismantle Added consumable item masks for the AWM and AR15, these will change the color pattern on the gun Added item colorer, drag one onto a customisable item to set new colors on the item. After applying the changes the item is updated and the item colorer is consumed Bloom is now active in the icon rendering system when enabled in graphics options Item links in chat will no longer appear as 'placeholder item' when the item link is the most recent message Fixed a bug where amber protected items could be destroyed during an unexpected server restart Fixed emission not being initialized properly from mesh attachments in uber shader Fixed dynamite icon not rendering properly Fixed issue where gear was not being re-equipped after applying a mutator (fragment upgrade, item renamer etc.) Fixed an issue where new vehicles from beacon drops would already be claimed Fixed a bug where Ultranium resource nodes were not applying radiation Fixed a bug where Ultranium resource nodes had the wrong collider CharacterMotorConfiguration is now published in mod asset manifests and can be replaced by workshop mods
- hurtworld itemv2
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Ukazał się własnie HotFix łatający kilka poważnych problemów. Nie wymaga robienia WIPE także odbędzie się ono według planu w ten piątek około 17:00. Lista zmian w nowym patchu: Fixed Item Duping Bug in Recycler (Proper fix this time) Fixed spear doing stupid amounts of damage Changed code structures to allow oxide plugins to have more control over chat messages
Wprowadzony został nowy system eventowy uruchamiany okresowo i polegający na przejmowaniu punktów w mieście. Powrót maszyny do rajdów, a kosztem rajdów będzie teraz w większym stopniu bursztyn. Zostały dodane elementy testowe, które będą mogły uczynić przedmioty posiadane przez graczy bardziej wyjątkowymi. Lista wszystkich zmian w tym patchu: Added town event system Added the ability to name items with Item Naming Scroll Added incremental pickaxe attack speed buff item. Speed buffs will be cleared when crafting a higher tier pickaxe (fixed in next patch) so I would advise saving your buff gems util you are happy with your pickaxe level. Added poverty juice consumable - Increases amber drop rate by 1.5 but removes all other items from drops All animals now drop amber at the same rate as rocks, reduced amber drop rate to account for increased number of sources Removed arrows from airdrop loot Reduced frequency of Air Drops Reduced frequency of Meteor Showers and increased node loot Added gun distance damage falloff curve system Reduced shotgun damage over longer ranges Increased shotgun craft cost Slightly reduced AR15 damage Audio improvements - Fixed lots of voice hogs that were causing cut outs, improved voice priority Air Drops flip over less, smoke should still be visible when upside down Fixed female ears popping through beanie Made item destruction on recycler safer "should" fix duping issue General Map Improvements Fixed bug where amber protection wouldn't protect property on sleeper death Fixed bug with stat serialization on sleeper death Fixed bug where shigis would drop frozen steak Added Raid Drill to Iron Workbench C4 crafting recipe rebalanced to be more amber heavy and less fat Fixed issue in bush billboards that would lose alpha cutouts Added town event deathmatch game mode (See Fight Yard and Servo Wars on workshop) Sped up chat scroll Linking items in chat should now show translated names if not renamed Fixed team deathmatch game mode Fixed camera smoothing from third to first person on vehicle exit/entry
Kolejna aktualizacja HurtWorld ItemV2. Lista zmian: Recycler will no longer give back more resources when the crafting recipe output more than one item Fixed various sounds not having a falloff profile, making them audible for 500m (Doors, Chests, Drills) Reduced vehicle costs by a fair bit Structure combination step on connection should be a lot faster Increased amber drop rate Nerfed Improvised Bow Nerfed Iron Axe Added new T3 Axe "Viagrax" Reduced core drill volume by half Reduced Owrong Spawn Density Increased Air Drop render distance Increased Detcap drop rate in Air Drops Fixed Recycler disappearing on pickup Removed line of sight check from terrain layer, building walls intersecting terrain/rocks should be easier Removed most unused broken items from the build so admins spawning items can't get their server into a broken state Fixed Drill Colors Fixed some machines showing as a generic crate Fixed tiny loot crates Fixed sign window not restoring cursor after use Creatures should run through shacks less Fixed backface transparency on gear Fixed desert trails having wrong texture Made loot in forest more evenly distributed Reduced Boar count in forrest and increased clustering to deep forest Reduced steak drop rate Changed default map to Mangatang Increased clay and sandstone drop amounts per node Replaced Iron workbench with fabricator model Recolored the Recycler Fixed low LOD of the Airdrop Crate Fixed some funkyness on vehicle colors Fixed C4 Beep Meteor indicators will give more warning before the shower starts Airdrop plane flies higher and crate drops slower Doors can no longer be destroyed by exploding raid drills Improved map marker flickering Fixed options being reset
Ukazał się właśnie nowy patch Hurtworld ItemV2 Experimental W tej aktualizacji pojawiło się mnóstwo nowych rzeczy, jedne z nich działają inne, bardziej są niż działają, gdyż daliśmy je w mocnej wersji testowej aby zebrać feedback i wiedzieć co dalej poprawiać/wprowadzać. Ta łatka wprowadza również 3 nowe grywalne postaci żeńskie. A także nowa mapa znacznie mniejsza od mangatang, może być ciaśniej, ale bardziej przyczyni się zapewne do dobrego przetestowania nowości. Pełna lista zmian w tym patchu: Added airdrops that spawn all over the map and drop valuable packages of weapons and gear Added meteor strikes that spawn rare resources, incoming and active meteor strikes will be displayed on the map, WARNING: meteor strikes can damage bases! Added craftable vehicle air drop beacons to spawn a vehicle via air drop Heavy slot type items have been added to the game, the player can only carry one heavy slot item at a time and is slowed down and cannot use other items while carrying a heavy item Slug vehicles have been added to the game, they are a large heavy truck designed for transporting heavy slot items Vehicles now have health and can be destroyed, vehicle health can be viewed in vehicle ui window Vehicle repair wrench has been added for healing vehicles Vehicle handling has been overhauled, vehicle weight plays a much greater factor as does engine power, the Kanga is easier to handle at low speeds Vehicles will now accelerate at different rates based on the material type they are contacting (eg. snow, dirt, stone etc.) Added a new crafting ui for items that have several different recipes (eg. arrows) Biome based building restrictions have been removed Weather systems have been re-enabled Female player customisation options have been added Gear stat progression has been flattened out, there are 2 tiers of workbench now (down from 4) Vehicle wheels can be shot off again A player vision cone has been added to the map for when the players line of sight diverges from the direction they are facing Inventories now stack column first for easier management Raid drills now create a nobuild zone similar to C4 C4 no longer contributes to machine build limit Improved chat window message handling Increased ladder climb speed Shotguns can no longer be fired without having a shell chambered Fixed a bug that would scale down some weapons while crouching and aiming down sights Added option to have the aim down sights action work as a toggle rather than something that needs to be held 'Toggle Sights' Fixed bugs with third person construction placement validation Added camera shake to explosions Fixed a bug where players in an attachable vehicle seat wouldn't be entered into the seat properly when initially loading them Fixed a bug where multiple player entities could be spawned for a single player Fixed several issues with vehicle lights not tearing down properly Vehicles no longer show hit markers when shot Fixed an issue where the skybox was not being rendered into the reflection map Fixed several memory leak issues Server memory usage improved Link do pobrania najnowszej wersji klienta gry: Download Hurtworld ItemV2
Lista zmian w nowym patchu Hurtworld ItemV2 wprowadzającym kilka małych poprawek: Chat connection messages are no longer generated server side when ServerConfig.ChatConnectionMessagesEnabled is false Fixed a bug in the mesh baking cache system (fixes disappearing objects) Fixed a bug where vehicle wheels could be created with the wrong steering angle Shacks will no longer spam warning notifications when their destroy timer is getting close to running out Options are now clamped between their min and max ranges on game start and when loading saved options (players with previously saved options that are now outside of min/max values will have their option clamped back to within range, fixes players being able to use invalid FoV settings) Hurtworld ItemV2 NoSteam do pobrania w dziale download.
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Lista zmian w nowym patchu Hurtworld ItemV2 wprowadzającym kilka małych poprawek: Fixed an issue that was causing OSX to fail initializing the input system Fixed a bug that was preventing bhopfriction from being set on server startup Fixed a bug where AWM pointer tip was unable to apply its extra pvp damage Unbound player actions now try to assign a default binding (fixes a bug where the open map action was defaulting to unbound) Fixed a server side error in GenericDeviceUsableInterfaceServer Player disconnection messages are now affected by the ServerConfig.ChatConnectionMessagesEnabled setting Fixed a server side error in PlayerConstructionManager Slightly reduced construction hammer build time for faster building of multiple attachments Hurtworld ItemV2 NoSteam do pobrania w dziale download.
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Lista zmian w nowym patchu Hurtworld ItemV2 Added map, minimap and compass system Fixed map issues where the road network didn't clear intersecting objects properly Fixed a bug where undamaged resource nodes could appear cracked Fixed a bug where the mesh baking system wasn't being cleared properly that could lead to partially invisible players Added new item poses for weapon attachment icons Fixed a bug where player renderer bounds weren't being set properly that could lead to the player being culled too early Fixed a bug where the vehicle ui window would lose sync with it's target when switching tabs Bumped loot cache spawn points up higher to stop them occasionally falling through the world Fixed an issue where player hitbox history wasn't being written correctly whilst in vehicles Fixed a rare bug where players could be saved with incorrect rotation data Updated the spawn window with a scrollable view for when the options list overflows Silencer weapon attachments have been added Added several new sound effects Tweaked creature sound falloff curves Added the ability to interact with spawned entities in a network cell that has not been fully loaded (fixes 'no touch on server' issue when trying to interact with objects after respawn) Changed entity spawn order when loading a cell, the new order is: Doors, Storage Containers, Machines, Ownership Stakes then everything else Enabled caching for the mesh baking system Fixed a bug where camera position validation raycasts were running from the wrong position whilst in vehicles (fixes erratic camera movement while crashing) Changed log resource nodes to use a more accurate collider Fixed a bug where raid drills would not despawn if the attachment they were on was destroyed before the raid drill was turned on Reintroduced the machine wrench, it can be crafted from the titranium or mondinium workbench Removed compass item Increased drop chance of drill bits for the raid drill Fixed a bug that was causing attachment point previews not to spawn on initial equip of the construction hammer Klient Hurtworld NoSteam w dziale download.
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